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Veasy Yoga

Veasy yoga believe yoga is a journey. We teach the most authentic form of yoga where no mirror , no music and no props will be used in the class. We encourage student to study themselves, listen to their body hence no mirror and no props, one will be able to focus the inside, paying attention to their body parts. We also train student to learn how to let go, by withdrawing whenever there is a strain in the body. Music and mirror would be a distraction to prevent student to focus to themselves. We practice safe postures hence no force would be enforced upon students.

Beside the postures that strengthen the muscles and internal organs, students get to learn breathing techniques that calms the mind and meditation that helps to find that inner peace and bliss within.


Why Yoga ?

-Reduce stress/ fight anxiety and mild depression

-keep your body toned and healthy both muscles and internal organs

-Improve sleep / helps insomnia

-Balance nervous system

-Balance hormonal system/ regulate hormonal glands

-Anti-aging/ improve skin complexion/ reduce hair loss

-Increase flexibility

-Fight deseases

-Boost immune system

-Increase self esteem

-Improve concentration

-Increase creativity

-Inner peace and bliss

The Instructor


Cheerful instructor who found her new path in life through yoga.

She combines the physical with the inner emotional and spiritual journey in her teaching.


By integrating body, breath, movement, and meditative awareness, it promote awareness of the interdependence of all these aspects in personal health and well-being.


Vanessa uses her extensive training and in-depth understanding of the human body and psyche to customized her class according to individual's issues and capacity at the same time cultivate awareness of one’s own practice and life process.



Certified Hatha Yoga Instructor

Certified Ashtanga Yoga Instructor

Certified Pranayama ( breathwork) Instructor

Certified Dhyana ( Meditation) Instructor

Certified Yoga Therapist

Certified Ayurveda Therapist

Kundalini Kriya Practitioner


*all certificates approved by Malaysia's Ministry of Education and endorsed by Malaysia Association of Yoga Instructors.




Veasy yoga 

contact : 012 601.59.39

                  03  2011.2731

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